Who We Are
Welcome to the unified website for the Richmond, Tri-Cities and New Dominion areas of Narcotics Anonymous! Narcotics Anonymous is a Twelve Step program for recovery from addiction. We don’t care what or how much you used, but only what you want to do about your problem and how we can help! This website is maintained by the Metro Richmond Public Relations Subcommittee, which serves all three areas and maintains this website, the phone line and the meeting schedule. We also conduct phone line training and service learning days.
How You Can Help!
Our Unified Public Relations Subcommittee meets at 6: 30 p.m. on the third Monday of each month at the St. James’s Episcopal Church Parish House, 1205 W. Franklin St. (IT IS CURRENTLY MEETING ELECTRONICALLY). In the coming months we are concentrating on:
- Reworking this website.
- Exploring BMLT use with other areas and regions.
- Continuing to explore new formats for meeting schedules
- Please come and join the subcommittee and give us your opinions, experience and manpower!
Phoneline Volunteer Workshop Booklet