NDANA – Literature Subcommittee
The New Dominion Area Literature subcommittee is in need of trusted servants to help fill literature orders. No clean time requirements!
Applied to posts related to New Dominion Area
The New Dominion Area Literature subcommittee is in need of trusted servants to help fill literature orders. No clean time requirements!
The Outreach Subcommittee of the New Dominion Area is in need of support. Clean Time Requirements: None What is Outreach and why is it needed in the New Dominion Area? The New Dominion Area of Narcotics Anonymous spans across sixteen localities. Outreach attempts to end the isolation of groups and areas in order to help them survive and grow. Activities include: visiting isolated groups; hosting workshops; providing basic service and meeting information; and sponsoring simple fellowship events such as learning…
The purpose of an H&I meeting is to carry the NA message of recovery to addicts who do not have full access to regular Narcotics Anonymous meetings.