NDANA – Vice Chair
- 1 year (November – November)
- Suggested two years clean time
- At least one year of ASC experience
- Knowledge and understanding of the Twelve Steps and Traditions of NA
- Has the willingness, time and resources to serve
- Submits written and verbal report at ASC
- Accepts duties of Chairperson in his/her absence
- Monitors status of NDANA subcommittees by either attending committee meetings and/or talking to committee chairs
- Fills in for NDANA Treasurer in case of their absence at ASC
- Takes over – temporarily – Chairmanship of committees that lack Chairpersons and may fill in for NDANA ASC Treasurer or Secretary
- Reviews the on-line checking account monthly
- Is authorized to sign checks per the dual signature policy
- Responsible for keeping keys to storage facility along with Campout Chair and Special Events Chair