NDANA – Treasure
- 1 year (January – January)
- Suggested three years clean time
- Previous experience as Group treasurer or in financial matters and has the ability to keep accurate records
- Working knowledge of and access to a computer that runs Microsoft Excel
- Working knowledge and understanding of the Twelve Steps and Traditions of NA
- Has the willingness, time and resources to serve
- Employed and financially stable
- Has the willingness, time and resources to serve
- Maintains NDANA checking account, brings checkbook and records to each ASC, and issues checks for approved expenses
- Reviews on-line checking account with chair or vice chair at least once per month
- Provides a fiscal statement which includes balances and all transactions on the checking account monthly as well as the current accrued balances available to each subcommittee
- Collects group donations at ASC
- Validates monthly literature receipt(s) and deposits literature proceeds
- Provides verbal and written report at ASC
- Performs an account audit between the January ASC and February ASC with the NDANA Executive Committee and has account in order for easy transition to next Treasurer.
- Presents a “fiscal year close out report” at the February ASC which includes total amount of 7th tradition income, literature income, subcommittee expenses, misc. expenses (money matters etc.), and anything else that would assist the ASC in evaluating and making recommendations for changes to the operating budget
- Submits donations to Regional and World service per policy
- Maintains subcommittee budgets (annual budget, year-to-date accrued, year-to-date spent, year-to-date returned, available budget and remaining un-accrued)
- Pays 1/3 of the Unified Phone Line budget
- Pays rent monthly to the host of ASC, based on agreed amount
- Ensure all checks have dual signatures per policy
- Responsible for making payments to storage facility