NDANA – Chair Person
- 1 year (December – December)
- Suggested three years clean time
- Previous experience as Vice-Chair or a previous term as Chair, or at least one year of service at the ASC level
- Has a working knowledge of the Twelve Steps, Traditions, & Concepts of NA & NDANA ASC policy
- Has the willingness, time and resources to serve
- Submits written and verbal report at ASC
- Arranges the location of ASC
- Unlocks and locks ASC meeting place, or else assigns someone to do it iv) Appoints Ad-Hoc Committee & Chairpersons
- Participates in ASC Policy Committee meetings
- Leads ASC meeting and maintains order and direction of meeting, does not however offer opinions on Motions, Money Matters, or Elections (unless the Chairperson steps down and turns meeting over the rest of the ASC meeting to the Vice-Chair)
- If unable to attend ASC notifies Vice-Chair as soon as possible
- Receives motion forms from Vice-Chair on New Business and Money Matters after review by the Policy Chair
- Reviews the on-line checking account monthly
- Is authorized to sign checks per the dual signature policy
- Prepares Monthly Agenda